Sunday, 4 January 2009

"Ini makan siangmu.." (This is your lunch)

I making this artwork for join Mini Art Exhibition 15x15x15 "Metaphoria".
I know that there are so many "metafor" in my life.
My concept for this artwork is imagine that some foods or meals can give us "counter attack" to eating us like a monster..
Especially, fast food which can suffer hazard to our body if too much in consuming that..
Watch Out..!!!There are can be like monsters...

media : Clay

Gadis Bersyal Merah

drawing on paper
110 x 70 cm

Drawing Exhibition "How To Draw"

None else can go back to the start
makes something new in the first time
but every people can stay now
and makes new end story

God not promising that the days out with pain,laugh, or sad
sun without rain or something else
But the God promise to give us a new power
to faces the days..


For a Digital Print Art assignment in the last year, i learn about macro photography..
I learn about a side of an item which can speak like a whole of the item.
The theme is "Daily Use".. So, i take an item which i usually use..My shoes..!!!yes..I explore all part of my shoes n i find the good angle to focus with zoom
And then the photos was editing by photoshop. I change to black n white options and high contrass with a little bit of blur
The focus of my shoes can't be identified again as a shoes now
So,the macro photography was done


GACOO is coming.....!!!!

The Puzzle of Bandung (2008)

Historical site / Heritage In Bandung

I'm from Bogor,,and i go to Bandung for study..almost 3 years i live in Bandung
Bandung is a city with alot of stuff in here...
With theme "historical site/heritage in Bandung" i wanna share my picture editing. The conditon about old town in Bandung can we see in Braga, Asia Afrika or Naripan. There are so much story about old buildings in Bandung since The Dutch was here..
It Become a history and we must to proudly about this
Bandung not only the city for find out the foods, shopping or the place for refreshing...but also there are much of value inside...

Post card "aLIEN iNVASION.." (kid version)

Watch Out...!!!!
Alien invasion goes to Boscha...
so child...we can get the battle to attack them..
SAVE OUR BOSCHA, Child...!!!

"kotak - kotak sejarah"
(squares of history)
digital image
Design for post card "Planosphere"

"Menggambar Dengan Cinta" (Draw with love)

I like drawing very much..
n i can't stop it..heee
I like to make own and new character
I mix watercolour and drawing pen

I wanna explore all thing what i imagine about my daily life. Especially about the relationship between two kind of people which called love. Love can be something important in life if there are knowing each other, tace care all the things, all the way and all the time.
In this below there are many of my drawing which talk about love
I express my emotion on the paper with colours

Kubawa bunga ini untukmu
Tak sekedar surat
"Nih Aku Payungin.."
Terbang dengan hatiku